Morning Worship Live Stream Link Sunday March 23, 2025

Gander Site

The Crossing Church Gander Site - Located in Gander NL

The Crossing Church – Gander

Beginning as a God-sized dream in 2017, The Crossing Church extended its vision as a “A Church that Lives and Loves Like Jesus” from one church, one location (St. John’s), to one church with two locations, to include our Gander Site. Our multisite ministry was made official July 13th, 2019. Through our Fundraising initiative, ‘The Crossing Campaign’, our church family have and continue step up, financially supporting this ministry vision.  God blessed this step of faith as we welcomed our new Gander Site Pastor, Rev. Kimberly Beers, October 5th, 2020, putting fulltime ministry boots on the ground in Gander. 

Our ‘Multi Site Ministry’ is somewhat unique in Atlantic Canada, given the geographical distance (330Km or 3.5 hours drive) between our two sites. However, through online streaming and communication we have been successfully working to overcome the distance barrier, creating a unified and supportive culture for all members of our church community. God continues to bless what we believe is a significant growth edge The Crossing Church ministry, as the Gander Site numbers grow in regular attendance and new membership. We are excited about what God will do next as we strive to extend the reach of His gospel in the Town of Gander!