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What's On the Go @ The Crossing Church

A weekly Newsletter outlining the upcoming events and activities.

What's On the GO!

Wednesday July 24, 2024

Hello Crossing Church!


For your information our Interim Pastor - Reid Cooke’s office hours are Tuesday to Thursday, 10:00am to 3:00pm.


Here’s “What’s on the Go @ TCC” for the coming weeks: 


Youth Summer Camp, August 11 to 16. Registration is open! You can register using the following link:

This camp is for students from Grades 6 to 12. All indications are that this camp will be very popular so get your registration in early to avoid disappointment.  

Please Note: Deadline to Register is Sunday, July 28th !

General inquiries can be made to the Camp Director, Tim Heath. 


OASIS Delegates: Oasis is the annual gathering of the Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada. In 2024 it will be held on August 8-10 at Crandall University in Moncton, New Brunswick. As a member church of CBAC, The Crossing Church is entitled to send delegates to represent our church at this meeting. The Board is accepting nominations of voting members who would be willing to represent us at this gathering. As a delegate, your registration fee will be paid by the church. Please submit your nomination to the church office. Full details on OASIS are available at:


Call for Board Nominations: Accountable to the membership for governance and finances, the Board are the corporate directors of the church, holding the senior pastor and staff accountable to carry out the purpose of the church. Board members should have a mature, active and growing relationship with Jesus as Saviour and Lord, regularly practice spiritual disciplines and exhibit the fruit of the Spirit as exemplified in Galatians 5:22-23. Terms are for four years. 

Please consider whether God is calling you to serve on the Board, or someone you know. Nomination forms are available from any board member, or the church office. 

There is also a nomination form attached.


Save the Date - Oct 4 to 6, 2024 - Fall Men’s Retreat at The Crossing Church Camp


General Protestant Cemetery 2024 Memorial Services

The dates for the 2024 Memorial Services have been set. Please see the attached memo for locations, dates, and times. 


Hello from Gander!


God is faithful. He continues to be so good to us! We are looking forward to how He is going to move in the coming days!


This week we have our Sunday worship service at 10:30 am. After the service, we will have a sharing meal together. So, please bring something to share as we eat together.

Then on Tuesday, July 30, we will meet for Conversation Cafe at 7 pm. Hope to see you there!


Also, beginning on Aug 1, begins the Festival of Flight here in Gander. There will be lots of fun activities over the whole weekend finishing on Aug 5 with Gander Day. I want to highlight that on August 4 the Festival of Flight Gospel Concert will take place at Evangel church featuring Glen Tetford and the Crimson River Band. Concert starts at 6 pm and it is a free event.


God is good; all the time! - Pastor Kim



Pastor Reid is continuing with Episode 2 of the sermon series on the book of Judges entitled, “I did it my way” (not). This book is very gritty and brutal and honest. We can learn a lot about ourselves and our walk with God. 



Also, this Sunday the Worship Team, under the leadership of Esther Cooke, will be featuring an Old-fashioned Hymn…. Sing.   We hope you can join us!


God Bless

For up to date information re. TCC Ministries, visit our Website: