Morning Worship Live Stream Link Sunday March 23, 2025

What's On the Go @ The Crossing!

A weekly Newsletter outlining upcoming events and activities.

What's On the GO!

Wednesday March 19, 2025


Hello Crossing Church!


The Office hours for Pastor Andrew Porter, are Monday to Thursday 9:00 to 4:00 PM. You can also email him at


Upcoming Events

Our Annual General Meeting - Saturday, March 22nd, 2025. This is a time to reflect on 2024 and look to plans for 2025. This meeting is open to all members and regular attenders of the Crossing Church. Please plan to attend.  We’ll start with dessert at 6:30 PM with our meeting beginning at 7:00 PM. Our Annual Report for 2024 has been sent out in advance of this meeting.

Launch - for children in Grades 3 to 6, meets at the church Friday nights from 7:00 to 8:30 PM. Contact Adam House for more information.

Youth - for students in Grades 7 to 12 meets at the church Friday, from 7:00 to 9:00 PM. Contact Linda House for more information.

Young Adults - We have formed a new community group for all those 18-25 year olds. If you are interested in connecting with this group, please contact Rod and Valma Pike ( or contact Pastor Andrew.

The English Club - This is a program offered on Monday evenings from 6:30 - 7:45 pm.  This ministry helps newcomers learn English in the context of conversation and community.  Contact Sheila McKelvie for more information or email the church office 

Kingdom Classes - We will be starting up Kingdom classes (Sunday School) on April 6th at 9am. Please contact Pastor Andrew or Kim King with more information.


Belong Seminar - If you are interested in baptism or in becoming a member of The Crossing Church, you are encouraged to come to our Belong Seminar on Sunday, March 23rd. We will be meeting directly after our morning worship gathering. Please contact Pastor Andrew or the church office to register. 

Maplewood Outreach will be on Sunday March 23 at 7 pm. The speaker is Andy Rowe. You are invited to come along and be a part of this time of “Singing and Sharing”. This outreach is a wonderful opportunity to connect with our neighbours and share Jesus' love. If anyone would like to join the outreach team contact Pastor Andrew, Mary Rowe or the church office. 

Women’s Brunch - April 5, Saturday -10 am. 

All women are invited to come together for a morning of Inspiration, Friendship, and Laughter. Our speaker is Melissa Djukin, one of our church ladies, who will share her story of God's faithfulness and goodness in her life. Sign up in the church foyer this coming Sunday. No cost to come along. A free will offering will be taken. 

Youth Summer Mission Trip - Our youth are planning to partner with our church in Gander during the week of July 5th - 10th. This will be a week of partnering with the Gander church in demonstrating the love and good news of Jesus to the community. We are in need of some adult leaders and drivers for this trip to happen. Please pray and consider joining our youth in serving the town of Gander this summer. Please contact Paul or Linda House or Pastor Andrew for more information. 

Teen Camp is scheduled for July 20 to 25, 2025. Tim Heath is the Director again this year. More details to come.

Can You Help? We are exploring the possibility of having a Children's (Grades 3 to 6) weekend camp this summer at our camp in Blaketown.  To do this we need a Director, Leaders and Cooks. If you feel called to this possibility, contact Linda or Paul House 

Small Group Conference March 28 - 29 

Each year Bethesda Pentecostal Church hosts a Small Group Conference.

This is a great opportunity for our Small Group leaders and those who attend a Small Group, to get together with other like-minded people in our community to speak and learn about making our Small Group Ministry better. Many of our members who have attended in the past have found it to be very worthwhile. BTW our own Maynard King is one of the breakout session speakers this year.

Here are the details and how to register:

Most of us would agree that there is real value in building a healthy Small Group Ministry. Don't miss this opportunity to: 

  • Gain fresh perspective
  • Network with other small group leaders
  • Get practical problem-solving ideas 
  • Learn about the critical importance of discipleship
  • Hear from our guest presenter, Rev. Paul Lam 

This and much more awaits you at the upcoming Small Group Conference on the weekend of March 28 - 29.

Here's the link to register.  

Please note the important registration deadline - March 21st 12:00 PM

Additional information 

Scripture Union Orders - For those who have ordered Scripture Union resources from Ken Osmond, they are available for pickup in the church mailbox located in the lobby.

Supper Bowl - Our church will be reconnecting with the Supper Bowl ministry at Cornerstone Ministry Center on Saturday April 12th. This will be an opportunity for our church to demonstrate the love of Jesus to those in need in our community. Contact Pastor Andrew if you are interested in helping serve or if you want more details.



Hello from Gander!

Today, I am reflecting on the verse “His blessings are new every morning”. I’m so glad to wake up and whether the weather outside is blah or fabulous, I know my God is there with me.

Here are our Upcoming Events

Connection Cafe on Thursday, March 20 at 8 pm with Dave.

Annual Meeting on Saturday, March 22 at 6:30 pm

Worship Service on Sunday, March 23 at 10:30 am

Conversation Cafe next Tuesday, March 26 at 7 pm

Next week, I am going to be attending Atlantic Baptist Foundation meetings in Halifax, NS on March 27-28. This is one way that we can stay connected to ministries belonging to our CBAC family!

Take care and God bless! 

Pastor Kim  


At the St. John’s site this week: Pastor Andrew will be continuing the sermon series titled: The Story of the Cross. This week’s sermon title is “A Prayer from the Watery Grave” and the scripture is Jonah 2:1-10.

See you Sunday!




For up to date information re. TCC Ministries, visit our Website: